My Framer Clare at the Framing Studio here in Holt has been doing a super job lime waxing the frames for these Sunflower daily paintings. They look great and I have had really nice feedback form clients so thank you Clare . . .
This painting is bigger than I normally do daily paintings. Its good to have more surface area to work with from time to time and helps with composition options too!
I apologise if you have been unable to access my website. There has been a technical problem at the site developers.
Apologies as at 9 am on 17th September my website is down owing to technical problems at the site developers. The above link to purchase therefore may not be working. It shouldn't be down for too long. I will post on here when it is back.
I will be posting some smaller pieces like this one over the next few days. Labyrinthitis struck again recently so I am gradually getting back into my stride while the vertigo subsides. Delighted that there are still some sunflowers about . . .