Monday, 12 November 2018

Ready Egg

Ready Egg
6" x  6"
Oil on Panel

Another limited palette here. This time a warmer red in cadmium red light along with cadmium yellow light, ceruleum blue and white.

Sunday, 11 November 2018


Araucans & Cornish
6" x  8"
Oil on Linen Panel

The title of this blog might raise a smile amongst those of a certain age who remember a Benny Hill sketch . . .

To accommodate this composition I worked on a slightly larger picture plane than I normally do for these blog pieces.I love the colour of the Araucan Eggs and they are fun to paint. In the interest of greater colour harmony have begun to limit my palette. For this piece I used only cerulean blue, cadmium yellow light, burnt sienna and white.

All Change!

Excited and nervous but here goes my new blog and website! I'm sure that there may be a few teething problems but these will get ironed ...