Tuesday 15 January 2019

Back in the saddle . . . again

Orange Bowl
7" x  5"
Oil on Linen

I am getting back into a routine following my operation last month as the aches pains and puffiness all gradually subside. I am so very grateful for this reconstructive surgery. Its all a bit surreal at the moment - I feel like a new person and have rediscovered some of my lost confidence. This is a new beginning falling in timely fashion to coincide with a new year. Thank you for your support messages and cards, they mean a lot to me.

Sometimes subjects and ideas for a painting will present themselves from everyday life and work equally well, if not better, than compositions that I might spend hours fussing and fiddling over. An example of this is a glass bowl of oranges that sat on a blue place mat on my coffee table which caught my eye as I went back and forth past it on the way to the studio. I have tried to capture it with the same immediacy that struck me when I first caught it in the periphery of my vision.

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All Change!

Excited and nervous but here goes my new blog and website! I'm sure that there may be a few teething problems but these will get ironed ...