Friday, 14 December 2018

Best Christmas Present Ever

8"x 8"
Oil on Linen Panel

Painting the Cornishware recently has been quite a challenge. Ellipses are tricky at the best of times so having several to deal with on the same object is very demanding.

All those blue and white stripes are busy and right now that doesn't suite my mood - I am quiet and reflective and have been spending as much time on creating compositions as I have painting - hence the effort above.

I am quiet and reflective because I am preparing for reconstructive surgery to my face. A clever surgeon is hoping to correct the facial palsy that I was left with when I lost the left hand side of my jaw and cheek to cancer.

At a time when appearance seems to count for more than substance I am ashamed to say that I have found it difficult to cope with facial disfigurement. It has been so easy to allow my confidence, self worth and esteem to get eroded away. It has been much easier to hide away and lose myself in my work than to face the outside world . . . and then when a vestibular disorder (vertigo and dizziness) threatened my ability to even paint I began to really struggle - there seemed to be so little left.

However thanks to having two brilliant dogs I have managed to retain my sanity and thanks to an NHS Vestibular Rehabilitation Programme I am overcoming my vertigo and dizziness and can once again work most days.

. . . And then a couple of weeks ago I got the go ahead for the reconstructive surgery operation and despite a little apprehension I am so delighted - it really is the best Christmas present I could have wished for and I can only hope that your presents this year are as good as mine.

Happy Christmas


1 comment:

  1. hope your christmas present is a great success Nick xxx


All Change!

Excited and nervous but here goes my new blog and website! I'm sure that there may be a few teething problems but these will get ironed ...